Some policies that are used in Caribbean countries to help reduce crime rates are :

Trinidad and Tobago

According to the Organised Crime and Intelligence Unit, there were approximately 2450 suspected gang members and 211 gangs operating in the country in 2017. In an effort to overcome this obstacle, Parliament and the presidency passed a new Anti-Gang Act in May 2018. The new law increases both the length of the prison sentences and the scope of crimes covered by anti-gang legislation, including offences such as the ownership of a bulletproof vest. In addition, it expands the powers of police to enter dwellings and make arrests of individuals reasonably suspected of being involved in gang-related activities.

While these moves have been broadly welcomed and are expected to improve the domestic security situation, police authorities have been quick to highlight that the legislation is not a panacea. Speaking to local media in May 2018 Stephen Williams, the acting commissioner of the T&T police force, stated that the legislation provides “another tool in our tool kit so that we can go after gangs and members of gangs,” but stated that there is “no magic formula.” In particular, Williams highlighted the problem of corruption and criminality within the police force and political class as constituting a major bottleneck. “The officer who is a criminal is the one we should go after,” Williams told local media. 

KINGSTON, Jamaica—Prime Minister Andrew Holness says the government will be increasing its investment in areas such as health and security to help the country combat the challenges faced in 2019.

In his 2020 New Year's address, Holness said his government is committed to bringing the “disease” of crime under control and is confident in the plan to secure the country.

The Prime Minister also noted that the country's high homicide rate did not happen overnight.

“In the decade of the 80s; 4,870 murders were committed in Jamaica, by the decade of the 90s this increased to 7,621 murders, and by the decade of the 2000s, even with the formation of various special squads and units, murders skyrocketed to 13,418. This past decade, 2010 to 2019 has seen a reduction in murders to 12, 698,” Holness said in his address.
He stated that the government will be taking steps to sure up the country's defences.
“This fiscal year will see the largest allocation of $5.28 billion dollars to equip the police force with cutting-edge technology to enhance their ability to detect, record, respond and prevent crimes in the society. This year, the JCF will receive the first set of purpose-built police cars fitted with tracking devices and onboard computers. The JCF's radio and communication system is being improved, the long talked about electronic station diary will start implementation, and police stations right across Jamaica are being refurbished or built anew,” the Prime Minister said (Jamaica Bserver 2020)

DISCLAIMER!!!! : Everything on this page is taken from the sources below. None of it is my words. Feel free to visit these sites to get more info.

Jamaica Bserver (January 1 2020).Gov't committed to bring crime 'disease' under control, says PM in 2020 message
Retrieved from:

Oxford Business Groups (2020). New legislation to reduce crime and improve security in Trinidad and Tobago
Retrieved from:

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